Known Issues
- Court outcomes from June 2019 onwards are currently unavailable. We are working with the MoJ to provide this data over the coming months.
- Avon and Somerset Constabulary: Due to a change in IT systems there are known issues with crime and outcome data since October 2015 as latitude and longitude information is missing from approximately 2000 crimes each month. The force will be working to rectify this and provide the missing data over the coming months.
- British Transport Police: ASB data has not been provided for period April 2016 onwards. The force will rectify this issue and provide the missing data over the coming months.
- Devon and Cornwall: Due to a range of issues, including the implementation of a new record management system in November 2022, outcomes data is unreliable. Work is ongoing to address the issues.
- Greater Manchester Police: Due to a change in IT systems no crime, outcome or stop and search data is available from July 2019 onwards. The force are working to rectify this issue and provide the missing data over the coming months.
- Gwent Police: The force are currently rectifying the issues with the Stop and Search Data and are looking to provide the data once the issues are rectified.
- Humberside Police: The force are implementing a new crime recording system so are currently unable to provide stop and search data. Data will be provided when this work is complete.
- Wiltshire Police: Due to Stop and Search data forms being completed manually there is a data lag of up to 6 weeks with these forms being processed. The force aims to rectify this as soon as possible and will provide the data over the coming months.
December 2024
- Avon and Somerset Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for November 2024.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for December 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh for October 2024 and November 2024.
- Dyfed-Powys Police: Stop and search data not provided for December 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Hertfordshire Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for August 2024 and November 2024.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data refresh for September 2024 and November 2024.
- Metropolitan Police Service: Stop and search data not provided for December 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- North Yorkshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for December 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for December 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- South Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for November 2024.
- Sussex Police: Stop and search data not provided for December 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh for October 2024 and November 2024.
- West Yorkshire Police: Stop and search data refresh for November 2024.
- Wiltshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for December 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
November 2024
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for November 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for July 2024.
- City of London Police: Stop and search data not provided for November 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh for September 2024 and October 2024.
- Hertfordshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for November 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for November 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Metropolitan Police Service: Stop and search data not provided for November 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for October 2024.
- North Yorkshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for November 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for November 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- South Wales Police: Stop and search data not provided for November 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh for July 2024, August 2024 and September 2024.
- West Yorkshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for November 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Wiltshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for November 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
October 2024
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for October 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh for August 2024 and September 2024.
- Hertfordshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for October 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for October 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Metropolitan Police Service: Stop and search data not provided for October 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh from April 2024 to September 2024.
- North Yorkshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for October 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Stop and search data refresh for September 2024.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for October 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Sussex Police: Stop and search data refresh for September 2024.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh for August 2024 and September 2024.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and search data refresh for August 2024 and September 2024.
- Wiltshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for October 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
September 2024
- Avon and Somerset Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for January to August 2024 and February to December 2023.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for September 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Cleveland Police: Stop and search data refresh for August 2024.
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh for July 2024 and August 2024.
- Hertfordshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for September 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for September 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Metropolitan Police Service: Stop and search data refresh for August 2024.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for August 2024.
- North Yorkshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for September 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for September 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Police Service of Northern Ireland: Crime data not provided for September 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- South Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for August 2024.
- Sussex Police: Stop and search data not provided for September 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for September 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Wiltshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for September 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
August 2024
- Avon and Somerset Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for August 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for August 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh for June 2024 and July 2024.
- Hertfordshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for August 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from April 2024 to July 2024.
- Norfolk Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for June 2024 and July 2024.
- Northumbria Police: Stop and search data refresh for July 2024.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for July 2024.
- North Yorkshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for August 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from April 2024 to July 2024.
- Police Service of Northern Ireland: Crime data not provided for August 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- South Wales Police: Stop and search data not provided for August 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Suffolk Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for June 2024 and July 2024.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh for June 2024 and July 2024.
- West Midlands Police: Crime data not provided for August 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Wiltshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for August 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
July 2024
- Avon and Somerset Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for July 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for July 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Derbyshire Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for June 2024.
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh for May 2024 and June 2024.
- Hertfordshire Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for June 2024.
- Humberside Police: Stop and search data not provided for July 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for July 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Metropolitan Police Service: Crime data not provided for July 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Norfolk Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for July 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Northumbria Police: Stop and search data not provided for July 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for June 2024.
- North Yorkshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for July 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for July 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Police Service of Northern Ireland: Crime data not provided for July 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- South Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for May 2024 and June 2024.
- Suffolk Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for July 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh from April 2024 to June 2024.
- Wiltshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for July 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
June 2024
- British Transport Police: Crime data not provided for June 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for June 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh for April 2024 and May 2024.
- Hertfordshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for June 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Hertfordshire Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for May 2024.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for June 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Metropolitan Police Service: Crime data not provided for June 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Metropolitan Police Service: Stop and search data refresh from February 2024 to May 2024.
- Norfolk Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for June 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for May 2024.
- North Yorkshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for June 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for June 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Stop and search data refresh for April 2024 and May 2024.
- Police Service of Northern Ireland: Crime data not provided for June 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- South Wales Police: Stop and search data not provided for June 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Suffolk Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for June 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Sussex Police: Stop and search data refresh for June 2024.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh for April 2024 and May 2024.
- West Midlands Police: Stop and search data refresh for May 2024.
- West Yorkshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for June 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
May 2024
- Avon and Somerset Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh from January 2022 to April 2024.
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh from June 2022 to April 2024.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for May 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh for March 2024 and April 2024.
- Kent Police: Stop and search data refresh for March 2024.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for May 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Metropolitan Police Service: Crime data not provided for May 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for April 2024.
- North Yorkshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for May 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for May 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Police Service of Northern Ireland: Crime data not provided for May 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- South Wales Police: Stop and search data not provided for May 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Sussex Police: Stop and search data not provided for May 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh for March 2024 and April 2024.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and search data refresh for April 2024.
April 2024
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh from May 2022 to March 2024.
- Durham Constabulary: Crime data refresh for March 2024.
- Metropolitan Police Service: Crime data refresh for February 2024 and March 2024.
- Metropolitan Police Service: Stop and search data refresh for February 2024 and March 2024.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Crime data not provided for April 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for April 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Stop and search data refresh for February 2024 and March 2024.
- Police Service of Northern Ireland: Crime data not provided for April 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Derbyshire Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for December 2023, February 2024 and March 2024.
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh for December 2023, February 2024 and March 2024.
- Hertfordshire Police: Stop and search data refresh for March 2024.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data refresh for March 2024.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for March 2024.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh for January 2024 and March 2024.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from February 2024 to March 2024.
March 2024
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh from April 2022 to February 2024.
- Derbyshire Police: Crime data refresh for February 2024.
- Metropolitan Police Service: Crime data not provided for March 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Metropolitan Police Service: Stop and search data not provided for March 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Police Service of Northern Ireland: Crime data not provided for March 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Police Service of Northern Ireland: Stop and search data not provided for March 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for March 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Derbyshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for March 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Gwent Police: Stop and search data not provided for March 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Hertfordshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for March 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Kent Police: Stop and search data not provided for March 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for March 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Merseyside Police: Stop and search data not provided for March 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- North Yorkshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for March 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for March 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for March 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh from January 2024 to February 2024.
- Humberside Police: Stop and search data refresh for February 2024.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for February 2024.
- South Yorkshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from April 2023 to February 2024.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh from December 2023 to February 2024.
February 2024
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh from March 2022 to January 2024.
- West Midlands Police: Crime data refresh for January 2024.
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Crime data refresh from November 2022 to January 2024.
- Durham Constabulary: Crime data refresh for October 2023.
- Durham Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for October 2023.
- Derbyshire Constabulary: Crime data not provided for February 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Derbyshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for February 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Avon and Somerset Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for February 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Avon and Somerset Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for January 2024.
- Metropolitan Police Service: Crime data not provided for February 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Metropolitan Police Service: Stop and search data not provided for February 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- City of London: Stop and search data refresh from November 2022 to January 2024.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for February 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh for January 2024.
- Gwent Police: Stop and search data not provided for February 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Humberside Police: Stop and search data not provided for February 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for February 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data refresh for January 2024.
- North Yorkshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for February 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for February 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from December 2022 to January 2024.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for February 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from November 2023 to January 2024.
- Wiltshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for February 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Kent Police: Stop and search data refresh for August 2023.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for January 2024.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh from September 2023 to January 2024.
January 2024
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh from February 2022 to December 2023.
- Avon and Somerset Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for December 2023.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for January 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Cumbria Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for July 2023.
- Hertfordshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from November 2023 to December 2023.
- Humberside Police: Stop and search data refresh from May 2022 to December 2023.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for January 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from November 2023 to December 2023.
- North Yorkshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for January 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for January 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from October 2022 to November 2022.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for January 2024. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Metropolitan Police Service: Stop and search data refresh for November 2022, May 2023, June 2023 and December 2023.
- Norfolk Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for December 2023.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for December 2023.
December 2023
- British Transport Police: Crime data not provided for December 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Cumbria Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for August 2023.
- Dyfed-Powys Police: Stop and search data refresh from May 2023 to November 2023.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for November 2023.
- South Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh from September 2022 to November 2023.
- Sussex Police: Stop and search data refresh for November 2023.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and Search data refreshed for May 2023, July 2023 to November 2023.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and search data refresh for January 2023.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for December 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Derbyshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for December 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Hertfordshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for December 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for December 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Metropolitan Police Service: Stop and search data refresh for November 2022.
- Metropolitan Police Service: Stop and search data not provided for December 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Norfolk Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for December 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- North Yorkshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for December 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for December 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Suffolk Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for December 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for December 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- West Mercia Police: Stop and search data not provided for December 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
November 2023
- Avon and Somerset Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for October 2023.
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh from December 2021 to October 2023.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for November 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Dyfed-Powys Police: Stop and search data not provided for November 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Hertfordshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for November 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Kent Police: Stop and search data refresh for October 2023.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data refresh for October 2023.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for November 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for October 2023.
- North Yorkshire Police: Crime data refresh for October 2023.
- North Yorkshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for November 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for November 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Police Service of Northern Ireland: Crime data not provided for November 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- South Wales Police: Stop and search data not provided for November 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Surrey Police: Crime data refresh from April 2023 to October 2023.
- Sussex Police: Stop and search data not provided for November 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh from July 2023 to October 2023.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for November 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from April 2022 to September 2023.
- Wiltshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for November 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
October 2023
- Durham Constabulary: Crime data not provided for October 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Durham Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for October 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for September 2023.
- Kent Police: Crime data not provided for October 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Kent Police: Stop and search data not provided for October 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- North Yorkshire Police: Crime data not provided for October 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- North Yorkshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for October 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Police Service of Northern Ireland: Crime data not provided for October 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for October 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Dyfed-Powys Police: Stop and search data not provided for October 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Gwent Police: Stop and search data not provided for October 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Humberside Police: Stop and search data not provided for October 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for October 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for October 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- South Wales Police: Stop and search data not provided for October 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for October 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
September 2023
- British Transport Police: Crime data not provided for September 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh from October 2021 to August 2023.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Crime data not provided for September 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for September 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Police Service of Northern Ireland: Stop and search data not provided for September 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Gwent Police: Stop and search data not provided for September 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Dyfed-Powys Police: Stop and search data not provided for September 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for September 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Metropolitan Police Service: Stop and search data not provided for September 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- South Wales Police: Stop and search data not provided for September 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for September 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
August 2023
- British Transport Police: Crime data not provided for August 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh from September 2021 to July 2023.
- British Transport Police: Stop and search data refresh for July 2023.
- Cumbria Constabulary: Crime data not provided for August 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Cumbria Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for August 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Crime data not provided for August 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for August 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Police Service of Northern Ireland: Stop and search data not provided for August 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Cheshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for August 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Dyfed-Powys Police: Stop and search data not provided for August 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Kent Police: Stop and search data not provided for August 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Metropolitan Police Service: Stop and search data not provided for August 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- South Wales Police: Stop and search data not provided for August 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for August 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Northumbria Police: Stop and search data refresh for April 2023.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for July 2023.
- Staffordshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from February 2023 to July 2023.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and Search data refresh for August 2022, November 2022, April 2023, June and July 2023.
July 2023
- Bedfordshire Police: Crime data refresh from July 2020 to June 2023.
- Lincolnshire Police: Crime data refresh from May 2023 to June 2023.
- Humberside Police: Crime data refresh from May 2023 to June 2023.
- Dyfed-Powys Police: Crime data refresh from May 2023 to June 2023.
- Gwent Police: Stop and search data refresh from January 2023 to June 2023.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Crime data not provided for July 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- British Transport Police: Stop and search data refresh for May 2021.
- Gwent Police: Crime data refresh for May 2023.
- Lincolnshire Police: Crime data not provided for June 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from April 2023 to June 2023.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for June 2023.
- South Yorkshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from May 2023 to June 2023.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh from March 2023 to May 2023.
- Hertfordshire Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for June 2023.
June 2023
- The LSOA data has been updated from the 2011 data to the 2021 data.
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh from July 2021 to May 2023.
- British Transport Police: Stop and search data refresh for May 2021.
- Humberside Police: Crime data refresh for May 2023.
- Gwent Police: Crime data refresh for May 2023.
- Lincolnshire Police: Crime data not provided for June 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for June 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Surrey Police: Stop and search data refresh from May 2022 to May 2023.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh from February 2023 to May 2023.
- Wiltshire Police: Stop and search data refresh for December 2022.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for June 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Dyfed-Powys Police: Stop and search data not provided for June 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Hertfordshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for June 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Metropolitan Police Service: Stop and search data not provided for June 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for June 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- South Wales Police: Stop and search data not provided for June 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Staffordshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for June 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for June 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
May 2023
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh from June 2021 to April 2023.
- British Transport Police: Stop and search data not provided for May 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Sussex Police: Crime data refresh from March 2023 to April 2023.
- Dyfed-Powys Police: Crime data not provided for May 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Dyfed-Powys Police: Stop and search data not provided for May 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Lincolnshire Police: Crime data not provided for May 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for May 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for May 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Metropolitan Police Service: Stop and search data not provided for May 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for May 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- South Wales Police: Stop and search data not provided for May 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Staffordshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for May 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for May 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
April 2023
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh from March 2021 to March 2023.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh from January 2021 to March 2023.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for March 2023.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and Search data refresh from January 2022 to August 2022 and October 2022 to March 2023.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for April 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for April 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- South Wales Police: Stop and search data not provided for April 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Staffordshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for April 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for April 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
March 2023
- Northumbria Police: Crime data refresh for December 2022.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for February 2023.
- South Yorkshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from April 2022 to February 2023.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for March 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for March 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- South Wales Police: Stop and search data not provided for March 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for March 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Wiltshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for March 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
February 2023
- Nottinghamshire Police: Crime data refresh from April 2022 to June 2022.
- Dyfed-Powys Police: Stop and search data refresh for January 2023.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for January 2023.
- South Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for January 2023.
- Wiltshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from September 2022 to November 2022.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for February 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for February 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- South Wales Police: Stop and search data not provided for February 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for February 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
January 2023
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh from February 2021 to December 2022.
- Durham Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for January 2020.
- Leicestershire Police: Stop and search data refresh for December 2022.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for December 2022.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for January 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Dyfed-Powys Police: Stop and search data not provided for January 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for January 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- South Wales Police: Stop and search data not provided for January 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Staffordshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for January 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data not provided for January 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for January 2023. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
December 2022
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh from January 2021 to November 2022.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Crime data refresh from May 2022 to October 2022.
- Leicestershire Police: Crime data refresh for November 2022.
- Gloucestershire Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for November 2022.
- Lancashire Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for November 2022.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for November 2022.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for December 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Metropolitan Police Service: Stop and search data not provided for December 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for December 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- South Wales Police: Stop and search data not provided for December 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for December 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
November 2022
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh from December 2020 to October 2022.
- Humberside Police: Crime data refresh from May 2022 to October 2022.
- Cumbria Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh from April 2021 to October 2022.
- Gloucestershire Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh from June 2022 to October 2022.
- Hertfordshire Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for October 2022.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for October 2022.
- Staffordshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from September 2022 to October 2022.
- Wiltshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from July 2022 to August 2022.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for November 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Kent Police: Stop and search data not provided for November 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Lancashire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for November 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Metropolitan Police Service: Stop and search data not provided for November 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for November 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- South Wales Police: Stop and search data not provided for November 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for November 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
October 2022
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh from November 2021 to September 2022.
- Humberside Police: Crime data not provided for October 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Lincolnshire Police: Crime data refresh for September 2022.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from August 2022 to September 2022.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for October 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Kent Police: Stop and search data not provided for October 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- South Wales Police: Stop and search data not provided for October 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Staffordshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for October 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for October 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
September 2022
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh from January 2021 to August 2022.
- South Yorkshire Police: Crime data refresh from June 2022 to August 2022.
- Lincolnshire Police: Crime data and stop and search data not provided for September 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Crime data and stop and search data not provided for September 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Humberside Police: Crime data not provided for September 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh from July 2022 to August 2022.
- Norfolk Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for August 2022.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for August 2022.
- West Midlands Police: Stop and search data refresh for August 2022.
- Avon and Somerset Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for September 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for September 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- South Wales Police: Stop and search data not provided for September 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Staffordshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for September 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for September 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Wiltshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for September 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
August 2022
- Leicestershire Police: Crime data refresh for July 2022.
- Sussex Police: Crime data refresh for July 2022.
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for September 2020 to December 2020, January 2021 to December 2021, January 2022 to July 2022.
- South Yorkshire Police: Crime data refresh from June 2022 to July 2022.
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh from June 2022 to July 2022.
- Gwent Police: Stop and search data refresh for July 2022.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from June 2022 to July 2022.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for July 2022.
- South Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh from June 2022 to July 2022.
- Staffordshire Police: Stop and search data refresh for July 2022.
- Wiltshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from April 2022 to June 2022.
- Avon and Somerset Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for August 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for August 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Norfolk Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for August 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Suffolk Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for August 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for August 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Wiltshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for August 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
July 2022
- Snap point data refreshed for July 2022.
- Humberside Police: Crime data refresh for May 2022.
- Merseyside Police: Crime data refresh for May 2022.
- West Midlands Police: Crime data refresh for June 2022.
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh from August 2020 to June 2022.
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh from May 2022 to June 2022.
- Merseyside Police: Stop and search data refresh for June 2022.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for June 2022.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh for June 2022.
- Avon and Somerset Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for July 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for July 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Greater Manchester Police: Stop and search data not provided for July 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Gwent Police: Stop and search data not provided for July 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Humberside Police: Stop and search data not provided for July 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for July 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Staffordshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for July 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for July 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Wiltshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for July 2022. The force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
June 2022
- Avon and Somerset Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for June 2022. Force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh from July 2020 to May 2022.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for June 2022. Force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- City of London Police: Crime and outcome data and stop and search data not provided for June 2022. Force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh from April 2022 to May 2022.
- Kent Police: Stop and search data refresh for May 2022.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for June 2022. Force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Kent Police: Stop and search data refresh for May 2022.
- Metropolitan Police Service: Stop and search data refresh for May 2022.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for May 2022.
- Staffordshire Police: Crime data refresh for May 2022 and April 2022.
- South Wales Police: Stop and search data not provided for June 2022. Force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh from April 2022 to May 2022.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for June 2022. Force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- West Midlands Police: Crime and outcome data not provided for June 2022. Force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Wiltshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for June 2022. Force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
May 2022
- Avon and Somerset Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for May 2022. Force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for May 2022. Force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Bedfordshire Police: Crime data refresh from January 2021 to April 2022.
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh from February 2020 to April 2022.
- Kent Police: Stop and search data not provided for May 2022. Force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Merseyside Police: Crime and outcome data and stop and search data not provided for May 2022. Force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Staffordshire Police: May 2022 crime and outcome data was unable to be provided, the force will aim to provide this as soon as possible in the coming months.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for May 2022. Force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- West Midlands Police: Crime data refresh for April 2022.
April 2022
- Avon and Somerset Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for April 2022. Force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for April 2022. Force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh from February 2022 to March 2022.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for April 2022. Force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Metropolitan Police Service: Stop and search data refresh for March 2022.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for March 2022.
- North Yorkshire Police: Stop and search data refresh for March 2022.
- Staffordshire Police: Stop and search data refresh for March 2022.
- Sussex Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for March 2022.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh from January 2022 to March 2022.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for April 2022. Force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Wiltshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for April 2022. Force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
March 2022
- Avon and Somerset Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for February 2022.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for March 2022. Force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Cumbria Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for February 2022.
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh for January 2022 and February 2022.
- Dyfed-Powys Police: Stop and search data refresh for January 2022 and February 2022.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for February 2022.
- North Yorkshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for March 2022. Force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Police Service of Northern Ireland: Stop and search data refresh for February 2022.
- South Yorkshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from April 2021 to February 2022.
- Staffordshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for March 2022. Force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible. Crime data provided for February 2022.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh from April 2021 to February 2022.
- West Midlands Police: Stop and search data refresh for February 2022. The force has also uploaded crime data from August 2021 to February 2022.
- Wiltshire Police: Stop and search data not provided for March 2022. Force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible. Stop and search data refresh for December 2021 to February 2022.
February 2022
- Avon and Somerset Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for February 2022. Force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data not provided for February 2022. Force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh from December 2021 to January 2022.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for January 2022.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh for April 2019, June 2019, October 2019, May 2021, October 2021, November 2021, December 2021 and January 2022.
- West Midlands Police: Stop and search data not provided for February 2022. Force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
January 2022
- Avon and Somerset Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for December 2021.
- Cleveland Police: Stop and search data refresh for December 2021.
- Derbyshire Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for December 2021.
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh from November 2021 to December 2021.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for December 2021.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh for August 2021 and December 2021.
- West Midlands Police: Stop and search data refresh from April 2021 to December 2021.
- Wiltshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from October 2021 to November 2021.
December 2021
- Avon and Somerset Constabulary: Stop & Search data not provided for December 2021. Force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop & Search data not provided for December 2021. Force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Derbyshire Constabulary: Stop & Search data not provided for December 2021. Force will provide a data refresh as soon as possible.
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh for October 2021 and November 2021.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data refresh for November 2021.
- Merseyside Police: Stop and search data refresh for November 2021.
- Metropolitan Police Service: Stop and search data refresh for November 2021.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for November 2021.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh for November 2021.
November 2021
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data refresh for October 2021.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for October 2021.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh from June 2020 to December 2020, January 2021 to March 2021 and May 2021 to October 2021.
- Wiltshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from August 2021 to October 2021.
- Due to the holiday period, Stop & Search data for November couldn't be shared in time for the following forces: Cheshire Constabulary, Devon and Cornwall Police, Hampshire Constabulary, Lincolnshire Police, and Merseyside Police. This is simply due to publication demand prior to the holiday, this data should be provided as a data refresh within the next publication cycle.
October 2021
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh from June 2021 to September 2021.
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh from August 2021 to September 2021.
- Lincolnshire Police: IT issues have been rectified, Crime data and Stop & Search data have been provided for September. The force aims provide October data as soon as possible in the coming months
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for September 2021.
- South Yorkshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from April 2021 to September 2021.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh from July 2021 to September 2021.
September 2021
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh from June 2021 to August 2021.
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh from July 2021 to August 2021.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for August 2021.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh from April 2021 to August 2021.
- Wiltshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from June 2021 to August 2021.
August 2021
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh from May 2021 to July 2021.
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh from June 2021 to July 2021.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data refresh for July 2021.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for July 2021.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh for October 2020, November 2020, February 2021, March 2021, April 2021, June 2021 and July 2021.
- Warwickshire Police: Received confirmation that the below issues have been resolved and missing data has been updated as fully as possible. “Due to a change in IT systems there was a 60% drop in outcome data from September to October 2017, plus drops in subsequent months. But while these data are still missing, the drops gradually decreased so that there was a steady increase back to normal levels, reached in July 2018. Additionally, due to this change in IT systems, the stop and search data recorded for November 2020 is lower than expected.”
- Wiltshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from May 2021 to July 2021.
July 2021
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for February 2021, April 2021, May 2021 and June 2021.
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh for May 2021 and June 2021.
- Norfolk Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for June 2021.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for June 2021.
- Suffolk Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for June 2021.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh for January 2021, April 2021, May 2021 and June 2021.
June 2021
- Avon and Somerset Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for May 2021.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for March 2021 and May 2021.
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh for April 2021 and May 2021.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for May 2021.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh for May 2021.
- Wiltshire Police: Stop and search data refresh for March 2021 and April 2021.
May 2021
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh from January 2021 to April 2021.
- Sussex Police: Stop and search data refresh for April 2021.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for April 2021.
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh from March 2021 to April 2021.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh from April 2020 to April 2021.
April 2021
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh from February 2021 to March 2021.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh from January 2021 to March 2021.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh from January 2021 to March 2021.
March 2021
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh from January 2021 to February 2021.
- Durham Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh from January 2020 to February 2021.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh from December 2020 to February 2021.
- Cleveland Police: Stop and search data refresh for February 2021.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data refresh for February 2021.
- South Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for February 2021.
- South Yorkshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from March 2020 to March 2021.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh from May 2020 to February 2021.
February 2021
- Bedfordshire Police: Stop and search data refresh for January 2021.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh from November 2020 to January 2021.
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh from December 2020 to January 2021.
- Humberside Police: Stop and search data refresh from December 2020 to January 2021.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from December 2020 to January 2021.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for January 2021.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh from November 2020 to January 2021.
- West Mercia Police: Stop and search data refresh from November 2020 to January 2021.
- Wiltshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from December 2020 to January 2021.
January 2021
- Avon and Somerset Constabulary: Stop and Search November - December 2020 data refresh.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and Search October 2020 - December 2020 data refresh.
- Essex Police: Stop and Search September 2020 - December 2020 data refresh.
- Gloucestershire Constabulary: Stop and Search December 2020 data refresh.
- Kent Police: Stop and Search December 2020 data refresh.
- North Wales Police: Stop and Search December 2020 data refresh.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and Search June 2020 - December 2020 data refresh.
- Warwickshire Police: Stop and Search November 2020 - December 2020 data refresh.
December 2020
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and Search data refresh for July 2020 and September - November 2020.
- Devon & Cornwall Police: Stop and Search data refresh October & November 2020.
- Gloucestershire Constabulary: Stop & Search data for December 2020 is not available due to a software issue causing delays in the data being available. The IT team are working to rectify this as soon as possible.
- Hampshire Constabulary: Stop & Search data refresh from April 2020 - December 2020
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and Search data refresh for November 2020.
- North Wales Police: Stop and Search data refresh for October & November 2020.
- Staffordshire Police: Crime data refresh May 2020 - November 2020.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and Search data refresh from September 2020.
- Wiltshire Police: Stop and Search data refresh for November 2020.
November 2020
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh from December 2018
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh from June 2020.
- Devon & Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh from September 2020.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data refresh for October 2020.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for October 2020.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh from January 2020.
- Wiltshire Police: Stop and search data refresh for October 2020
October 2020
- British Transport Police: Stop and search data refresh from November 2018.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh from June 2020.
- City of London Police: Stop and search data refresh for June 2019.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from August 2020 till September 2020.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for September 2020.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh from October 2019.
September 2020
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh from October 2018.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh from June 2020.
- Devon & Cornwall Police: Stop and search data refresh from May 2019.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from April 2020 till August 2020.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for August 2020.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from September 2019.
- Staffordshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from June 2020.
- Sussex Police: Stop and search data refresh from February 2020.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh from February 2020.
August 2020
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh from September 2018 to July 2020.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for March 2020, May 2020, June 2020 and July 2020.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for July 2020.
- Northamptonshire Police: Stop and search data refresh for July 2020.
- Sussex Police: Crime and outcome data refresh from June 2020.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh from January 2020.
- Wiltshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from January 2020.
July 2020
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh from August 2018 to June 2020.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh from April 2020 to June 2020.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for June 2020.
- Thames Valley Police: Stop and search data refresh from December 2019 to June 2020.
June 2020
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh from July 2018 to May 2020.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh from March 2020 to May 2020.
- Lincolnshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from January 2018 to March 2020.
- Norfolk Constabulary: Stop and search data refresh for May 2020.
- Northamptonshire Police: Stop and search data refresh from January 2019 to May 2020.
- North Wales Police: Stop and search data refresh for May 2020.
- Thames Valley: Stop and search data refresh from January 2020 to May 2020.
May 2020
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh from June 2018 to April 2020.
- Humberside Police: Street and disposal data refresh for April 2020.
April 2020
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for May 2018 to Jan 2019, March to September 2019, December 2019 and February to March 2020.
- Gloucestershire Constabulary IT issues are resolved so crime and outcome data is now available for March 2020.
- Hampshire Constabulary: Street and disposal data refresh for August 2019 to March 2020.
March 2020
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for April 2018 to June 2019, August 2019 to February 2020.
February 2020
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for March 2018 to January 2020.
- Hampshire Constabulary: Crime and outcome data refresh for April 2019 to January 2020.
January 2020
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for February 2018 to December 2019.
December 2019
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for December 2017 to November 2019.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Crime and outcome data refresh for November 2019.
November 2019
- City of London Police: Crime data refresh for June 2019.
October 2019
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for November 2017 to September 2019.
- Northumbria Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for May 2019 to September 2019.
September 2019
- Gwent Police: Crime data refresh for September 2016 to August 2019.
August 2019
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for September 2017 to July 2019.
July 2019
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for August 2017 to June 2019.
June 2019
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for July 2017 to May 2019.
- Hertfordshire Constabulary: Crime and outcome data refresh for May 2019.
- Kent Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for December 2018 to March 2019.
May 2019
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for May 2017 to April 2019.
- Cheshire Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for March 2019 to April 2019.
- City of London Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for April 2019.
April 2019
- Cheshire Police: Crime refresh for March 2018 to January 2019.
March 2019
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for March 2017 to February 2019.
- Kent Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for November 2018 to February 2019.
February 2019
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for February 2017 to January 2019.
- Kent Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for November 2018 to January 2019.
- Lincolnshire Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for December 2018 and January 2019.
January 2019
- Gwent Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for October 2018 to December 2018.
December 2018
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for January 2017 to November 2018.
- Humberside Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for November 2018.
November 2018
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for November 2016 to October 2018.
- Lincolnshire Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for September and October 2018.
October 2018
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for October 2016 to September 2018.
- Metropolitan Police Service: Crime and outcome data refresh for September 2018.
- Thames Valley Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for September 2018.
September 2018
- Bedfordshire Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for July 2018 and August 2018.
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for September 2016 to August 2018.
- Cambridgeshire Constabulary: Crime and outcome data refresh for June 2018 to August 2018; Crime data refresh for May 2018
- Lincolnshire Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for July 2018 and August 2018.
August 2018
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for September 2017 to July 2018.
- City of London Police: Crime data refresh for October 2017 to July 2018.
- Hertfordshire Constabulary: Crime and outcome data refresh for June 2018 and July 2018.
- Staffordshire Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for April 2017 to July 2018.
July 2018
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for August 2016 to June 2018.
June 2018
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for July 2016 to May 2018.
- City of London Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for October 2017; Crime data refresh for May 2018.
- Cambridgeshire Constabulary: Crime and outcome data refresh for May 2018.
- Gloucestershire Constabulary: Crime and outcome data refresh for May 2018.
- Lincolnshire Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for April 2018 and May 2018.
May 2018
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh June 2016 to April 2018.
- City of London Police: Crime data refresh January 2018 to April 2018.
- Lincolnshire Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for March 2018 and April 2018.
April 2018
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh May 2015 to January 2016 & April 2016 to March 2018.
- City of London Police: Outcome data refresh for December 2017 to March 2018; Crime data refresh for September 2017.
- Lincolnshire Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for February 2018 and March 2018.
March 2018
- City of London Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for November 2017 and January to February 2018; Crime data refresh for December 2017.
February 2018
- Lincolnshire Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for December 2017 and January 2018.
- Thames Valley Police: Crime data refresh for May 2017 and August 2017.
January 2018
- Lincolnshire Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for November 2017 and December 2017.
December 2017
- Lincolnshire Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for October 2017 and November 2017.
November 2017
- Lincolnshire Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for September 2017 and October 2017.
October 2017
- Lincolnshire Police: Crime data refresh for August 2017 and September 2017.
September 2017
- City of London Police: Crime data refresh for July 2017 and August 2017.
August 2017
- Lincolnshire Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for June 2017 and July 2017.
July 2017
- Lincolnshire Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for September 2014 to December 2014 and February 2015 to June 2017; Crime data refresh for August 2014 and January 2015.
June 2017
- North Yorkshire Police: Stop and Search data refresh from December 2016 to May 2017.
May 2017
- City of London Police: Crime data refresh for April 2017
- Hampshire Constabulary: Crime and outcome data refresh for April 2017.
- Leicestershire Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for March 2017 to April 2017.
- Surrey Police: Outcome data refresh from May 2014 to April 2017.
April 2017
- City of London Police: Crime data refresh for February 2017.
March 2017
- Cheshire Constabulary: Crime data refresh for July 2015 to March 2016.
- City of London Police: Crime data refresh for April 2016 to February 2017.
February 2017
- Northamptonshire Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for March 2016 to June 2016.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for February 2016.
January 2017
- City of London Police: Crime data refresh for December 2016.
November 2016
- Avon & Somerset Constabulary: Crime and outcome data refresh for April 2016 to July 2016.
October 2016
- Avon & Somerset Constabulary: Crime data refresh for August 2016 & crime and outcome data refresh for September 2016.
- Greater Manchester Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for January 2016 to September 2016.
September 2016
- City of London Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for August 2016.
August 2016
- Essex Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for July 2016.
- Archive zips from this month forward will use the ZIP64 extension due to their size.
May 2016
- Essex Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for September & November 2015; Crime data refresh for October 2015.
April 2016
- City of London Police: Crime data refresh for April 2015 to February 2016.
- Essex Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for July and August 2015.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for February 2016.
March 2016
- City of London Police: Crime data refresh for January 2016.
- Essex Police: Crime data refresh for May 2015 & crime and outcome data refresh for June 2015.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for December 2014 to May 2015 and July 2015 to January 2016.
- Staffordshire Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for August 2015.
February 2016
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for February 2014 to December 2015.
- City of London Police: Crime data refresh for December 2015.
- Merseyside Police: Crime data refresh for April 2015 to December 2015.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for November 2014 and January 2015 to December 2015.
January 2016
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for all months.
- Essex Police: Crime data refresh for April 2015.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for May 2014, January 2015, and March to November 2015.
December 2015
- Introduction of API call limits for the Police API.
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for all months.
- City of London Police: Crime data refresh for October 2015.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for July 2014 to October 2015.
November 2015
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for all months.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for June 2014 and October 2014 to September 2015.
October 2015
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for October 2013 to August 2015.
- Norfolk Constabulary: Crime and outcome data refresh for January 2015.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for July 2014 to August 2015.
September 2015
- Avon & Somerset Constabulary: Crime and outcome data refresh for May 2015 to July 2015.
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for September 2013 to July 2015.
- Norfolk Constabulary: Outcome data refresh for May 2015.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for July 2014, December 2014, and Feburary 2015 to July 2015.
August 2015
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for July 2013 to June 2015.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Outcome data refresh for April 2015.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for October 2013, May 2014, August 2014, and October 2014 to June 2015.
July 2015
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for July 2013 to May 2015.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for January 2013 to May 2015.
June 2015
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for June 2013 to April 2015.
- City of London Police: Crime data refresh for April 2015.
- Norfolk Constabulary: Crime and outcome data refresh for February 2015.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for February 2014 to April 2015.
May 2015
- Avon & Somerset Constabulary: Crime data refresh for December 2014 to March 2015.
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh from May 2013 to March 2015.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for August 2012, May 2014, July 2014, and September 2014 to March 2015.
April 2015
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for February 2013 - February 2015.
- City of London Police: Crime data refresh for April 2014 - February 2015
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for April 2013; February, June - December 2014; January-February 2015.
March 2015
- City of London Police: Crime data refresh for January 2015
- Durham Constabulary: Crime and outcome data refresh for January 2015.
- North Yorkshire Police: Outcome data refresh for February and March 2014.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for January and September 2013; January, February, May-December 2014; January 2015.
February 2015
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for February 2013 - December 2014.
- City of London Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for December 2014.
- North Yorkshire Police: Outcome data refresh for December 2012 - January 2014.
Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for January - December 2012; January - September 2013; January, February, March, June - December 2014.
- West Yorkshire Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for May 2014.
January 2015
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for January - March and May-December 2013; January-December 2014.
- North Yorkshire Police: Crime and outcome data update for April 2011 - August 2011; outcome data update for September 2011 - November 2012.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for June and November 2012; February, April, May-November 2014
- Thames Valley: Outcome data refresh for November 2014.
December 2014
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for all months.
- Gwent Police: Outcome data refresh for April 2014.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for August 2012; August and October 2013; January, March-October 2014
November 2014
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for all months.
- Cumbria Constabulary: Crime and outcome data refresh for July 2014 and September 2014.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for December 2012 and January 2014 - September 2014.
October 2014
- British Transport Police - Crime data refresh for all months.
- Lancashire Constabulary: Crime and outcome data refresh for August 2014.
- Norfolk Constabulary: Outcome data refresh for May 2012 - July 2014; crime data refresh for May 2012.
- Northamptonshire Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for August 2014.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for April, May, October, December 2013; January - August 2014.
- Thames Valley Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for April 2014 - August 2014.
September 2014
- British Transport Police - Crime data refresh for all months.
- Northumbria Police - Crime and outcome data refresh for April-July 2014.
- Nottinghamshire Police - Outcome data refresh for December 2011; July, November-December 2013; January-July 2014.
- Thames Valley Police: Outcome data refresh for June 2014 and July 2014.
- Warwickshire Police: Outcome data refresh for May - July 2014.
August 2014
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for all months.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for October 2012, July 2013 and November 2013 to June 2014.
- Thames Valley Police: Crime data refresh for January 2012 to June 2014
July 2014
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for all months.
- Northamptonshire Police: Crime data refresh for May 2014.
- Northamptonshire Police: Outcome data refresh for May 2014.
- North Yorkshire Police: Crime data refresh for February 2014.
- North Yorkshire Police: Outcome data refresh for February 2014.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for January 2013 to May 2014.
- Surrey Police: Outcome data refresh for December 2013 and January 2014.
- Thames Valley Police: Crime data refresh for January 2013 to May 2014.
June 2014
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for all months.
- Dyfed Powys Police: Crime data refresh for April 2014.
- Dyfed Powys Police: Outcome data refresh for April 2014.
- Leicestershire Police: Crime data refresh for March 2014 and April 2014.
- Leicestershire Police: Outcome data refresh for April 2014.
- Lincolnshire Police: Crime data refresh for April 2014.
- Lincolnshire Police: Outcome data refresh for April 2014.
- North Yorkshire Police: Crime data refresh for February 2014.
- North Yorkshire Police: Outcome data refresh for February 2014.
- Northumbria Police: Crime data refresh for April 2014.
- Northumbria Police: Outcome data refresh for April 2014.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for April 2012, November 2012 and January 2013 to April 2014.
- Thames Valley Police: Crime data refresh for January 2013 to April 2014.
- Thames Valley Police: Outcome data refresh for April 2014.
May 2014
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for all months.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for April 2012 to March 2014.
April 2014
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for all months.
- City of London Police: Crime data refresh for April 2013 to February 2014.
- Gwent Police: Crime data refresh for February 2014.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for April 2012 to February 2014.
- Police Service of Northern Ireland: Crime data refresh for February 2014.
- Thames Valley Police: Crime data refresh for February 2014.
March 2014
- Introduction of a senior officers API method, containing names, ranks and biographies of senior police officers in a force. This data is not yet complete for all forces.
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for all months.
- Metropolitan Police: Crime data refresh for October 2013.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for October 2012 to January 2014.
February 2014
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for all months.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for April 2012 to December 2013
January 2014
- Bedfordshire Police: Crime data refresh for February 2013.
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for all months.
- Essex Police: Crime data refresh for November 2013.
- Essex Police: Outcome data refresh for November 2013.
- Kent Police: Crime data refresh for November 2013.
- Kent Police: Outcome data refresh for November 2013.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for October 2012 to November 2013
December 2013
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for all months.
- City of London Police: Crime data refresh for October 2013.
- Humberside Police: Crime data refresh for January 2013.
- Norfolk Constabulary: Outcome data refresh for October 2013.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for October 2012 to October 2013.
- West Mercia Police: Outcome data refresh for October 2013.
- The crimes with no location API response format has been made consistent with the crimes at a location response.
- API responses now include the header ‘Access-Control-Origin: *’.
November 2013
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for all months.
- City of London Police: Crime data refresh for November 2012 and December 2012.
- City of London Police: Outcome data refresh for November 2012, December 2012 and July 2013 to September 2013.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for May 2012 to September 2013.
- Introduction of new neighbourhood priorities API method.
- Introduction of new neighbourhood boundary API method.
- POST requests to the street-level crimes method are now allowed.
- Coordinates in CSVs are now rounded to 6 d.p.
October 2013
- City of London Police: Crime data refresh for August 2012 and October 2012
- City of London Police: Outcome data refresh for August 2012 and October 2012
- Dyfed Powys Police: Crime data refresh for August 2013
- Dyfed Powys Police: Outcome data refresh for August 2013
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for all months
- The geographical area size limit for custom shapes in the street-level crimes API method has been removed
September 2013
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for all months.
- City of London Police: Crime data refresh for September 2012.
- City of London Police: Outcome data refresh for September 2012.
- Dyfed-Powys Police: Crime data refresh for April 2012 to July 2013.
- Dyfed-Powys Police: Outcome data refresh for April 2012 to July 2013.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for September 2012, November 2012, and January to July 2013.
August 2013
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for all months.
- City of London Police: Crime data refresh for June and July 2012.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for June 2012 to June 2013.
- The neighbourhood crimes API method has been retired. Please use the street-level crimes method instead.
July 2013
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for all months.
- Cheshire Constabulary: Crime data refresh for April and May 2013.
- City of London Police: Crime and outcome data refresh for May 2013.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for Mar 2012 to Sept 2012, and Dec 2012 to May 2013.
June 2013
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for all months.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for all months.
- New crime category 'bicycle theft' introduced (previously included in 'other theft').
- New crime category 'theft from the person' introduced (previously included in 'other theft').
- New crime categories 'possession of weapons' and 'public order' introduced (previously amalgamated together in 'public disorder and weapons').
- Renamed crime category from 'violent crime' to 'violent crime and sexual offences', for clarity.
- Introduction of CSV bulk-download functionality.
Introduction of 'poly' parameter for custom shape queries on the
API methods. - Introduction of data provenance and quality information.
May 2013
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for all months.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for all months.
April 2013
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for all months.
- Northumbria Police: Outcome data refresh for all months.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Crime data refresh for Dec 2011 to Jan 2013.
March 2013
- British Transport Police: Crime data refresh for all months.
- Greater Manchester Police: Crime data refresh for Apr 2011 to Jan 2013.
- Greater Manchester Police: Outcome data refresh for all months.
- Nottinghamshire Police: Outcome data refresh for all months.
February 2013
- City of London Police: Outcome data refresh for Jan 2012 to Mar 2012.
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Crime data refresh for Jan 2012 to Dec 2012.
- Devon and Cornwall Police: Outcome data refresh for Jan 2012 to Dec 2012.
- Thames Valley Police: Crime data refresh for Dec 2012 only.
- West Midlands Police: Neighbourhood Team restructure, all neighbourhood KML files updated.
January 2013
- South Wales Police: Crime data refresh for Dec 2011 to Dec 2012.
- South Wales Police: Outcome data refresh for Dec 2011 to Dec 2012.
- Thames Valley Police: Neighbourhood Team restructure, all neighbourhood KML files updated.