Neighbourhood priorities

Example request

Example response

        "action": "

-The beat team have been conducting regular high visibility foot patrol at the location during key times.
-A dedicated operation was completed for the end of term. A large number of youths did attend the city centre and transport hubs with the vast majority of them not engaging in any ASB. Police and partners from youth services were deployed and worked collaboratively.
-In order to support staff and reduce anti-social behaviour at the locations Police have been conducting joint patrols with security at each station. This strengthens the working relationship and allows us to share information.
-The ASB at the location has now been accepted into the Joint Action Group (JAG). This allows us to share and discuss the issues with key partners in youth services, councils and local volunteers to devise the best approach to support the youths and prevent ASB.
-Over 20 youths have been identified and their details shared with Early Intervention to see what support they can offer them and their families.


-High visibility patrols of the location have continued tackling ASB caused by youths and the street lifestyle community.
-Partner agencies such as the Street Outreach team have supported patrols at the location offering support and diversion.
Following on from last month's update and the JAG process custom actions have been set for Police, Council and Bus station to reduce issues. A follow up meeting has been arranged to discuss the impact.
-There has been a noted reduction in youth related ASB within the location.
-PCSO have completed tailored engagements at the stations to help support commuters with ASB, crime reduction and general advice.

", "issue-date": "2024-07-01T00:00:00", "action-date": "2024-09-01T00:00:00", "issue": "

Anti-Social Behaviour - including drug use, street drinking, youths and misuse of public spaces within the Haymarket and St Mags Bus Stations.


YOU SAID: Anti-social behaviour at Haymarket and St Margaret\u2019s bus station is an issue.

" }, { "action": "

-Sergeant Tompkins and PC Page-Brown have attended the national cycle crime conference. Whilst there they were able to discuss best practice and develop ideas with colleagues from multiple police forces, councils and other partners. We look forward to progressing these ideas over the coming weeks.
-We have conducted numerous bike register events in the city centre. At the events, bikes will be marked with a unique code and added to the national Bike Register database, making it easier for police to reunite stolen bikes with their owners. It can also act as a deterrent to would-be thieves as the bike is permanently marked, making it more difficult to sell. Research suggests cyclists are 83% more likely to have their bike stolen if it is not Bike Register marked.
-July also saw another Operation PEDALFAST deployment. During the operation 6 first and only warnings were given to E-scooter riders, 6 first and only warnings were given to over powered E-bikes and 1 E-scooter was seized.
-The team took part in the active cycle tour across the city with partners. This gave us the ability to promote safe cycling in the city centre and develop our working relationship with partners. We are currently working together on projects to reduce cycle theft.
-Through Police enquires we have identified 2 males responsible for cycle theft. We are currently making attempts to locate and arrest these individuals.


-4 Suspects have been arrested and charged for theft of cycle offences. Targeting offenders that cause harm to the community is our priority.
-We have continued to conduct meaningful engagements to tackle cycle crime with 4 bike register events being conducted in the city centre during the month of August. At the events, bikes will be marked with a unique code and added to the national Bike Register database, making it easier for police to reunite stolen bikes with their owners. It can also act as a deterrent to would-be thieves as the bike is permanently marked, making it more difficult to sell. Research suggests cyclists are 83% more likely to have their bike stolen if it is not Bike Register marked.
-PC Tom and Sgt Zane are now part of an electric cycle forum to help understand and share the benefits of E-Bike use for the Police.
-Project Re-lock continues supporting those who have been the victim of cycle theft. If you have been unfortunate enough to have your cycle stolen then please discuss with your local beat team and you may be eligible to receive a free D-LOCK to prevent you from becoming a repeat victim and help support you getting back on the saddle.

", "issue-date": "2024-07-01T00:00:00", "action-date": "2024-09-01T00:00:00", "issue": "

Cycle crime - including theft of cycles, dangerous cycling and use of E-scooters.


YOU SAID: Speeding cyclists and E-scooters are a concern and that you are worried about leaving your bike in the City Centre.

" }, ... ]

Response description

Tag Description
issue An issue raised with the police
issue-date When the priority was agreed upon
action Action taken to address the priority
action-date When action was last taken